Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgical procedure performed with the aim of promoting weight loss in individuals who are overweight or obese, and improving or managing health issues associated with obesity. These surgical procedures are preferred when other methods have failed to achieve weight loss goals or when health risks are too high.

Bariatric surgery can be considered for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or individuals with a BMI of 35-40 who have serious health problems related to obesity (such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea). These surgical methods are designed to increase weight loss and alleviate health problems associated with obesity.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery encompasses a category of surgical procedures aimed at promoting weight loss and improving or managing health issues related to obesity in individuals facing obesity problems.

What Are the Surgical Methods Used in Obesity Treatment?

The most commonly used bariatric surgery methods include the following:

Gastric Sleeve | Medistate Hospital
  • Sleeve gastrectomy: Also known as gastric sleeve surgery. In this procedure, the stomach is cut and reduced in size, causing the person to eat less and feel full faster.
  • Gastric bypass surgery: During this surgery, the stomach is made into a small pouch and reconnected with the intestines. This reduces the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body as a portion of food bypasses the intestines.
  • Mini gastric bypass surgery: Mini gastric bypass surgery is a variation of traditional gastric bypass surgery. The stomach is reduced in size, forming a tube-like structure, and is connected to the small intestine. This allows a portion of the food to directly enter the small intestine, leading to reduced food consumption and a quicker feeling of fullness.
  • Adjustable gastric band (Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band): In this procedure, a band is placed around the stomach, and its tightness can be adjusted to control food intake.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD): In this type of surgery, the stomach is reduced in size and connected to the small intestine in a more complex manner. This further reduces nutrient absorption.

All of these surgical procedures are used in obesity treatment to support weight loss. The choice of surgery may vary depending on factors such as the patient’s health condition, weight, and medical history. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any surgery to determine the most suitable treatment option.

Who Is Not Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

  • Children and adolescents 
  • Individuals with severe health problems 
  • Elderly individuals 
  • Those with substance addictions 
  • Individuals lacking psychological suitability 
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers 
  • Those unwilling to take the risk of surgery 
  • Individuals with eating disorders
Who Can Undergo Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

Non-Surgical Options for Obesity Treatment

Many people struggling with weight loss wonder if it’s possible to lose weight without surgery. Therefore, non-surgical weight loss options are researched by many. 

Non-surgical treatments offer non-invasive options for individuals who want to combat obesity. These treatments include various approaches such as lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, medication, and endoscopic methods. Endoscopic procedures may be preferred when a person struggles with weight loss through diet and exercise or when surgery poses risks. 

Non-surgical treatment options may include: 

Gastric balloon: This procedure involves placing a balloon in the stomach to occupy space. This helps individuals eat less and feel full for longer. 

Swallowable gastric balloon: The mechanism of this method is similar to the traditional gastric balloon, but it uses a balloon in capsule form that can be easily swallowed, eliminating the need for endoscopy. 

Gastric botox: In this procedure, specific areas of the stomach are injected with botulinum toxin using an endoscopic method. Botulinum toxin temporarily reduces the activity of stomach muscles, potentially decreasing appetite. However, its effects are short-lived. 

These non-surgical treatment options are offered as alternatives to surgical intervention for individuals battling obesity. Treatment choices may vary based on factors such as a person’s health condition, weight, lifestyle, and other medical considerations. Non-surgical treatments generally carry lower risks than surgery, but their effectiveness may be limited. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to create the most appropriate treatment plan for obesity.

September 25, 2023 1:00 pm
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