male breast reduction

Gynecomastia in men is a condition that can lead to aesthetic and psychological issues. In this article, details of gynecomastia surgery, points to consider before and after the procedure, the recovery process, cost, and topics related to male breast reduction in Turkey will be discussed.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is a surgical intervention performed to correct the enlargement of breasts in men. The surgeon provides a solution to this condition by reducing breast tissue and improving chest contour.

How is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed?

Male breast reduction surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia. Excess breast tissue is removed using methods such as liposuction or tissue excision.

There are different techniques for male breast reduction, including:

  • Treatment of Gynecomastia with Tissue Excision: This treatment method involves the surgical removal of breast tissue. The procedure is usually performed through an incision made under the nipple. Tissue excision can be an effective option, especially for patients with large breast glands or hardened breast tissue. This method aims to correct the shape of the breast and achieve an aesthetic appearance.
  • Treatment of Gynecomastia with Liposuction: Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical method that involves the removal of fat tissue by suction. Using a thin cannula through small incisions, fat tissue is suctioned out. This method is often effective for gynecomastia cases caused by fat accumulation. Liposuction allows for faster patient recovery and minimal surgical scars.

The surgeon selects the most suitable techniques based on the patient’s condition.

Gynecomastia surgery is a surgical intervention performed to correct the enlargement of breasts in men. The surgery is typically carried out under local anesthesia and includes the following steps:

  1. Patient Evaluation:

Pre-surgical assessment is conducted to evaluate the patient’s overall health. The surgeon reviews the patient’s medical history to determine the cause of breast enlargement.

  1. Anesthesia Application:

The choice between sedation or general anesthesia is decided jointly by the surgeon and the anesthesia specialist. The surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia.

  1. Liposuction (Fat Suction):

The surgery usually begins with liposuction. During this stage, excess fat tissue in the breast area is suctioned out. Small incisions are made, and a vacuum device or syringe is used to remove fat.

  1. Tissue Excision (Removal of Glandular Tissue):

Following liposuction, the surgeon makes the necessary incisions to correct the breast tissue. Excess glandular tissue is removed. This step addresses the correction of glandular enlargement, which is the primary cause of breast growth. In some cases, this step may not be necessary, and liposuction alone is sufficient.

  1. Stitches and Wound Care:

After closing the incisions, stitches are applied. Following the surgical procedure, the surgical area is covered with a special dressing or bandage. Special wound care instructions are provided to maintain the surgical area clean and hygienic.

  1. Monitoring and Follow-ups:

The patient’s condition is regularly monitored after the surgery. The surgeon conducts periodic check-ups to track the recovery process and prevent potential complications.

Gynecomastia surgery generally yields successful results when performed by a skilled surgeon. As each patient’s condition is unique, detailed pre-operative assessment and surgical planning are crucial. It is important for the patient to maintain communication with their surgeon and adhere to the surgeon’s recommendations for a successful recovery.

How Does the Process Work Before the Surgery?

Before the surgery, the patient’s overall health is assessed. The surgeon conducts a detailed interview to understand the patient’s expectations. Some tests and examinations may also be required before the surgery.

  1. Selection of a Specialist Physician
  2. Detailed Examination and Assessment
  3. Health History Checks
  4. Quitting or Limiting Smoking and Alcohol Use
  5. Providing Information About Medications Used
  6. Preoperative Information

What You Need to Know After the Surgery?

After the surgery, it is important for the patient to rest for a specific period and limit activities. Special dressing or garments may be used. Regular check-ups should be conducted throughout the healing process.

Proper care of the stitches in the surgical area, adherence to doctor instructions regarding bandages and dressings, is crucial.

  • Consistent use of prescribed medications for pain control is important.
  • Caution should be exercised in physical activities.
  • Wound care should be meticulously performed.
  • Regular follow-up appointments with the doctor are essential.
  • Healthy eating and avoiding smoking and alcohol are also important factors for the recovery process.
  • Patients should receive emotional support after the surgery, as the healing process may sometimes require emotional effort.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery Time

The recovery process varies from person to person. However, generally, one can return to normal daily activities within a few weeks. The full recovery process may take several months.

Any conditions that impede rapid recovery, such as excessive bleeding, infection, or other complications after the surgery, should be immediately reported to the doctor.

Use of Gynecomastia Corset or Compression Garment

To reduce swelling, provide support, and expedite the healing process after gynecomastia surgery, a gynecomastia corset or compression garment is often recommended. Wearing the corset as specified by your surgeon can be a significant factor in achieving the best results.

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

Gynecomastia surgery price is often a researched topic. The cost of the surgery varies depending on factors such as the techniques used, the surgeon’s experience, and the location of the surgery. In Turkey, cost-effective options are often offered compared to other countries.

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery) in Turkey

Turkey is a reliable destination for male breast reduction surgeries with expert healthcare personnel and modern medical infrastructure. Moreover, it provides an attractive alternative to international patients with cost-effective options. It is a preferred country for gynecomastia treatment with its quality healthcare services and specialist physicians.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you treat enlarged breasts in men?

The treatment for enlarged breasts in men is generally possible through gynecomastia surgery. This surgical intervention aims to achieve a more masculine appearance by removing breast tissue and fat.

Can gynecomastia go away?

Gynecomastia may resolve spontaneously in some cases, but if it persists or is bothersome, surgical intervention may be considered. If it is related to hormonal causes, treatment methods can also be considered.

Is breast reduction safe for men?

Yes, breast reduction for men is generally a safe surgical procedure. Gynecomastia surgeries that are appropriately assessed and performed often yield successful results.

Is male breast reduction worth it?

Yes, breast reduction surgery in cases of gynecomastia is often a valuable option to increase physical and emotional comfort.

Is there an age limit for gynecomastia surgery?

While there is no specific age limit for gynecomastia surgery, if the patient is in adolescence, it is usually recommended to wait until the completion of puberty. This is because breast growth during adolescence tends to self-correct over time. Therefore, the completion of adolescence allows for a healthier assessment before surgery and determines the necessary intervention.

Do breasts still grow after reduction?

Generally, no, it is not expected for breasts to grow again after breast reduction surgery. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important.

Will gynecomastia leave a scar on my body?

If the cause of breast growth is an increased amount of fat, liposuction surgery can effectively address the issue without leaving a visible scar, as it is performed through small incisions. However, if the enlargement is due to the growth of breast gland tissue, a cut made under the nipple is required for the solution. Thanks to the dark-colored area of the incision, the scars are not prominent and tend to fade over time.

December 9, 2023 1:14 pm
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