Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

The right to benefit from services

Every individual applying to our hospital has the right to benefit from all services on offer regardless of their national origin, race, religion or sect.

Patients have the right to receive information on the diagnosis and treatment opportunities offered by our hospital and means of accessing these services.

The right to be informed and approve

Patients have the right to receive information on the medical interventions recom mended t o t hem directly or via t heir Legal re present ative including t he pot ent ial risks and benefit s involved wit h each intervention, alternative medical intervention methods, potential outcomes of refusing t reat ment and course of t Peat ment in a Language and manner that is clearly comprehensible.

Patients are entitled to review their medical An updated hard copy of the current medical file will be provided t o patients ap plying with a writt en request.

The hospital shall not acquire patient’s personal or familial information unless there is a medical necessity but with patient consent.

Patients have the right to be informed about the correct assessment and treatment of pain.

Patients and their relatives have the right to receive information on the means of donating organs and other tissues

Patients have the right to receive clear information on the hospitaL~s mission

The right to know / choose and change healthcare personnel

Patients have the right to receive information on the medical interventions recommended to them directly or via their Legal re present ative including the potent ial risks and benefit s involved wit h each intervention, alternative medical intervention methods, potential outcomes of refusing treat ment and course of Peat ment in a Language and manner that is clearly comprehensible.

The right to choose and change healthcare institution

Each individual applying to our institution has the right to benefit from available diagnosis, treatment and healing methods at best possible quality regardless of physical, intellectual or social characteristics.

Patients have the right to choose and change the heatthcare institution in scope of the procedures and conditions set out by governing legislation.

The right to refuse or stop treatment

Assuming responsibility for potential adverse outcomes, patients have the right to refuse or stop planned or ongoing medical intervention or treatment.

The physician shall explain the patient / Legal representative / relatives about potential adverse outcomes arising from refusing t reatment and will ask for writ en documentation that the implications are understood.

The right to privacy (confidentiality)

Patients have the right to receive healthcare services in a private environment throughout medical treatment process.

Patient s have the right t o ref use talking or seeing peo pLe that have no off icial af fiLiation wit h our instit ut ion or have of ficiaL af fiLiation but have nothing t o do with treatment . This also a p plies t o visit ors .

All information from individuals applying to our institution acquired during diagnosis and treatment shall remain confidential even after the pot entiaL demise of the patient. Private patient information shall only be disclosed with open consent of the patient or inheritors, or court decision.

The right to be respected

Patients have the right to request an environment that can provide adequate degree of visual and auditory privacy during physician tests or treatment in a respecting, caring and friendly environment with consideration to preserving individual dignity.

The right for consultation

Patients have the right to ask for a secondary consultation from another specialist, assuming these patients cover the additional cost. The healthcare institution hosting the patient will implement the recommended treatment as per the consultation, subsequent to agreement and a p provaL wit h patient’s physician

The right to access religious services

Patients have the right to wear their distinctive clothing, practice beliefs and / or use religious symbols and receive social and psychological support under condition that these activities do not hinder services within the institution, cause disturbance to others or in any way prevent medical treatment carried out by heaLthcare workers.

The hospital includes a prayer room for our patients to easily practice religious duties.

The right to a safe environment

Every individual ap plying t o our hospital has the right to request safety within the institution.

The hospital has taken necessary measures to ensure the security of Life and property of patients, visitors, companions etc. Suitable protective measures have been taken in the hospital for children, disabled and elderly people (without companion, single, or in need of care).

The right to complain / give opinions and recommendations

Patients and their relatives have the right to start the complaint mechanism within the hospital, ask for a review and conclusion and be notified of the outcome should there be a violation of patient rights.

Rules and practices of healthcare institution

Patients have the right to be informed about the applicable hospital rules and practices.

For Your

Medistate Kavacık Hospital, which constantly raises the bar in its sector with its professional approach to health and advanced technology, brings two continents together with the quality health services it offers to those living on both the European and Anatolian sides.